Modine Indoor or Outdoor Direct Fired V-Series
Sales BrochureMCV-MVV
Installation InstructionsMCV-MVV
Modine model MCV/MVV Series Direct Gas-Fired Make-Up Air Units are designed to provide an economical and efficient means of supplying tempered make-up air.  The units cover a wide variety of applications with features that include:
• Model MCV is for single speed blower applications while model MVV features a variable frequency drive for variable speed blower applications.
Heating input ratings up to 2,100,000 Btu/hr with high firing rate turndown (30:1 at full burner rating) for optimum temperature control.
100% thermal efficiency (92% sensible gain) reduces fuel bills.
Multiple blower sizes provide a wide range of airflow capability from 800 to 14,000 CFM.
Auto-Velocity™ profile system automatically maintains optimal air velocity across the burner for clean and efficient combustion with modestly changing static pressure conditions.
Indoor or outdoor installation.
Airflow configurations include straight, bottom, or top discharge with either right or left hand control access.
A wide range of controls, options, and accessories for unit customization to meet even demanding specifications.

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